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Partnerships help to accelerate progress. Progress in sustainability can be reached at different levels.
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UN Global Compact
By becoming a participant of the UN Global Compact, Eppendorf commits to the ten principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. At the same time, our company is committed to actively promoting and demonstrably advancing the issue of sustainability. Once a year, Eppendorf will therefore document the progress of all activities and make it publicly available on the UNGC website. Before a company can become a participant of the UN Global Compact, its management must commit to the ten principles in a Letter of Commitment. TThe board of Eppendorf signed this in January 2022.
Go to UN Website

Science-Based Target Initiative (SBTi)
The Science-Based Target Initiative (SBTi) is an organization that aims to encourage companies to examine their entire greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (scopes 1, 2, and 3) and establish scientifically based targets in this regard. The initiative is a collaboration between four globally respected environmental and climate protection organizations (WWF, CDP, United Nations, and World Resources Institute) founded in 2015. SBTi involves short-term (5-10 years) and long-term (up to 2050) climate goals for all emission categories (scopes 1-3). The overarching objective is to achieve the Paris Agreement of staying below 1.5°C by 2050. Currently, nearly 6,000 companies worldwide are participating in the SBTi. These include global giants like Amazon, Airbus, Coca-Cola, or Microsoft, as well as many pharma companies. In 2023, Eppendorf has joined the SBTi as well as the accounting of all GHG emissions.

My Green Lab®
My Green Lab is an independent international non-profit NGO to improve the environmental impact within laboratories worldwide. There are different programs:
- ACT label (Validation and rating of lab products)
- My green lab certification (Validation and rating of labs)
- My green lab ambassador (Training program for every scientist)
- Freezer Challenge (Annual competition to reduce power consumption of freezers)
- Green chemistry (election of less hazardous, more sustainable chemicals, and/or the design of chemical products or protocols)
Eppendorf cooperates with My Green Lab since 2017. In the last years, more and more suppliers have joined. Based on the growing global interest of lab equipment users in independent product checks about sustainability aspects, the impact of independent labels like ACT from My Green Lab is strengthened. Eppendorf is proud to support this organization. We believe in independent organizations, challenging us to continuously improve our products for a more sustainable future.

Scoring systems like ecovadis become a reference point in industry in respect to corporate sustainability. ecovadis addresses four major topics:
- Take responsibility as a company for the environmental impacts of your operations (such as energy consumption during manufacturing, use of energy in the office, chemical use), this includes products as well as services.
- Ethics cover corruption and bribery, anti-competitive practices as well as responsible marketing
- Sustainable procurement describes the source of resources and parts, how they are produced and what kind of CSR management systems is established at your suppliers.
- Human resources addresses health and safety aspects, working conditions, a structured social dialog and career management and training.
- Human rights issues are checked to avoid child labor, forced labor, and discrimination
Eppendorf is listed at ecovadis. Scoring 2023/2024: 54 points

Unternehmensnetzwerk Klimaschutz
In addition to Stiftung KlimaWirtschaft, we are a founding member of the Unternehmensnetzwerk Klimaschutz (company network for climate protection) of the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), which brings together companies that want to invest in sustainability. The members can acquire knowledge in the field of corporate climate protection, contact other companies and learn from each other's experiences.